
Showing posts from August, 2007

Ingrid Cosma from Rumenia and UK with the Tzachials

Two weeks in Tsachilla My stay in Chiguilpe has been a mixture of adventure, learning, working with the community, and exploring new dimensions. Oral Hygiene talk to school kids The talk was aimed at increasing Oral Hygiene awareness amongst kids studying at the local school. With the fantastic help from one of the dentists in Santo Domingo, Dr Luis Sanchez, who brought instruments from his practice, the talk was followed by a session of removing badly decayed milk teeth for those kids who needed it. The event was generously supported by who promptly donated boxes of toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoos and conditioners for the kids. Very warm thanks to all who contributed, and I hold high hopes that this little session will have some long term positive effects on the health awareness of the village kids. Medicinal plants There is a wealth of knowledge in the community regarding the curative merits of various plants. Whilst even the ubiquitous yucca and cocoa were interesting to my untra

Vamos a Rio Amazonas

Vamos a Rio Amazonas by Ben King and Grant Kitto The only bridge over the Morona River and the bus stop. Peruvian army base. The results of a night without a mosquito net. The storm The calm before the storm. Our camping spot for the night. Grant doing what he does best...scrubbing. A friendly tucan . One of the 5 motor changes along the way. Another perfect camping spot by the Morona River. The local bus. Grant juggling coconuts. Puerto America Pink river dolphins on the horizon. Welding the drive shaft back together, good as new! Changing the motor after the drive shaft snapped. The mighty Amazon! Fireworks in San Lorenzo The Disco tech in San Lorenzo. My new found friends. Kids chasing us down the street after the soccer. The children of San Lorenzo. Another brilliant save by the Peruvian goal keeper. Team Ecuador! The crowd singing the national anthem of Peru. Dinner Lunch Our offic