
Showing posts from August, 2008

Jessica Dunnin learanig Spanish and Medicine with Ecotrackers

I spent three weeks with Ecotrackers and during this time I had many fantastic experiences was able to see parts of Ecuador not usually accessible to tourists. I am a final year medical student from New Zealand and I wanted to spend part of my elective in a spanish speaking country, to learn some spanish at the same time as learning medicine. I discovered Ecotrackers via the internet and after reading a good review of it I decided to give them a try. The organisation was very prompt in replying to all of my emails and said they could arrange pretty much whatever I wanted to do. The Ecotrackers organisation was founded by a doctor, and I was able to work directly with him which was fantastic. The organistion is family run and very laid back about organisational details, which I found difficult initially, but in fact I had no problems at all once I relaxed into Ecuadorian time! They more than made up for this by welcoming me into the family, taking me to different places and helping me t